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/ The SysOP's Companion / The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO / door_g_q / multi604.zip

Jump To: Archive (4)  |  Image (16)  |  Text (6)  |  Other (2)

Archives (4)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
AUTOPLAY.ZIP PKZip Archive 4 5KB 1993-02-16
BOARD.ZIP PKZip Archive 16 18KB 1993-03-10
MONOCOM.ZIP PKZip Archive 5 39KB 1993-02-03
MONOMAIN.ZIP PKZip Archive 6 16KB 1993-02-04

Images (16)

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
MONO.CTL Text File 119 4KB 1993-02-26
MULTIPOL.INS Text File 119 6KB 1993-02-07
README.1ST Text File 16 756b 1993-03-15
REGISTER.DOC Text File 12 427b 1993-01-18
REGISTER.FRM Text File 68 5KB 1993-03-16
SYSOP.TXT Text File 405 18KB 1993-03-16

Other Files (2)
MONO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 256KB 1993-02-26
BOARD.CLR Unknown 60KB 1993-03-10